Vision and Mission Statement

Northside Church


Our Vision is to be a healthy church family whose lifestyle attracts people to the Lord and His timeless message of grace, hope and love, and whose ministries impact East Liverpool and beyond.


Our Mission is to lead people to Jesus, to help them grow in their walk with Him and in their service to others.


Our Motivation for ministry and service comes from a clear biblical understanding and appreciation of who Jesus Christ is, what He did for us and why He did it.  We realize that there is no greater force on earth than love.  Therefore, the love of God motivates, and enables us to do anything God wants us to do.


Our Specific Purposes:

Worship      (Promote a worshipful lifestyle) Involve Northside in meaningful public worship and encourage intimate family and individual worship on a daily basis.

(John 4:23“ . . . true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth.”


Fellowship  (Create a sense of family) Create a Christian church family environment where people are loved and accepted and feel safe in building healthy personal relationships with one another.

(Acts 2:42)  “. . .continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to

         the breaking of bread and to prayer.”


Discipleship  (Deepen individual knowledge and application of God’s word)  Teach and model in a variety of formats what the Word of God says, what it means, and how to apply it to our lives.

            (Matthew 28:19)  “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . . teaching them to observe

       all that I commanded you.”


Evangelism  (Reach the lost for Christ)  Taking God’s message of salvation to the lost and bringing them closer to Jesus by sharing His message and our lifestyle.

            (Acts 1:8)  “. . . you shall be my witness . . . to the uttermost part of the world.”


Ministry  (Meet practical needs through Christ’s love)  Equip and involve each member for service both inside and outside the church.”

            (Ephesians 4:12)  “. . .equip the saints to do the work of the ministry.”