We currently offer Girl's Clubs for two different age groups on the 2nd Friday and 4th Sunday from 6:00pm-7:30pm:
In this club girls will learn some basic skills such as, baking, sewing, decorating etc.
In this club we fellowship, we craft, we laugh, we eat good snacks, we learn, we pray, and we serve together!! :) We are working through a study called "The Lies Young Women Believe" from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh.
"Trying to figure out what is true can be tricky. Lies Young Women Believe exposes 25 common lies most commonly believed by today’s teen girls. You’ll hear real-life stories from young women just like you, and discover how to be set free by the Truth."
Please contact Heather for more information on either of these clubs @hmurphy.nsc@gmail.com!